
ID3v2 comment language code (ISO-639-2)

Different programs require ID3v2 comments to be written with specific language code identifiers. Mp3tag’s default is eng, but depending on the language of your Windows installation, you might want to use the ISO-639-2 code of this language so that comments are displayed in Windows Explorer or Windows Media Player (e.g., deu for a German Windows installation).

However, if you use another language code than eng iTunes won’t read the comments of your ID3v2 tagged files anymore, since it requires them to be written with this particular language code identifier.

Always display POPULARIMETER values for ID3v2 ratings

If this option is enabled, Mp3tag displays the POPULARIMETER field for ID3v2 ratings instead of any app-specific fields. Changing this setting might require reloading of the file’s tags for the changes to be visible.

List chapters as separate files

Some file formats, e.g., MP4 or Matroska, can have chapters. If you enable this setting and reload the directory, Mp3tag lists chapters as separate files. It’s especially helpful if you’re into editing video files and want to edit the titles of the individual chapters (or the global tags of a file if disabled).

If the option to list chapter as separate files is disabled, it can be difficult to identify which files actually have chapters. You can use the following information fields to identify those files, e.g., in a File List column: